Cone Layout 2.0.4
Cone Layout is a useful program that will unfold a frustum of a cone and generate a sheet cutting layout or flat pattern projection that can be rolled or bend up into a truncated cone shape.
Cone Layout is a useful program that will unfold a frustum of a cone and generate a sheet cutting layout or flat pattern projection that can be rolled or bend up into a truncated cone shape. Either side of the truncated cone can be tilted. To help you visualise the cone you are editing, a rotating 3D model shows the dimensions.
The layout pattern can be printed directly on paper for use as a template for cutting out the shape from a plate of metal. Or you can write the layout pattern to an AutoCADĀ® DXF file which is the world standard among computer controlled cutters. Other supported file formats are Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) or a plain text file with coordinates.
The program has a minimization routine, which will minimize the amount of wasted material by varying the seam along which the cone is cut open. The program automatically selects the smallest rectangular piece of material big enough to hold the pattern.
Cone Layout features
the program minimization routine layout pattern the layout truncated cone the cone cone layout

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