CN_Tools 1.0
CN_Tools was developed for Windows environement for easy management of your Schneider/NUM ISO programs.
CN_Tools was developed for Windows environement for easy management of your Schneider/NUM ISO programs.
CN_Tools works with all 720/750/1040/1060 CN controls with traditional Pupitree. Important: Controls with FTP40 or FTP41 console are NOT yet implemented.
For BAR-Code implementation you have to use CN_Tools Barcode. Network and Database operations are implemented in CN_Tools Network. CN_Tools Barcode and CN_Tools Network allow a full integration of older CNC controls in your production line.
CN_Tools Evolution Plugin is needed for automatic Workpiece measurement and surface analisis.
Here are some key features of "CN Tools":
windows explorer from and interactive mode and drop drag and tools barcode tools network controls with

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