Cleantouch ImportGST Reloaded 1.0
Cleantouch ImportGST Reloaded is designed specially for traders to maintain record of sales tax as well as inventory and account.
Cleantouch ImportGST Reloaded is designed specially for traders to maintain record of sales tax as well as inventory and account.
Sales Tax modules provide all the reporting like S.Tax Invoice, Purchase / Sales Register / Summary, Monthly Calculation Sheet for submission of Return and Yearly S.Tax Summary.
Inventory module of software gives user the power to maintain record of purchase / sales / stock in proper way. Accounting Module of software is integrated with all other modules of software up to Net Profit / Loss and Balance Sheet to save time of users.
Inputs: Accounts Types, Accounts Master File, Items Categories, Item Master File, Opening Stock, Import Purchase, Purchases, Purchases Return, Sales, Sales Return, Receipt Voucher, Payment Voucher, Journal Voucher, Sales Tax Payment / Refund
Outputs: Accounts List, Receipt Vouchers Report, Payment Vouchers Report, Journal Voucher Report, Income Tax Deduction Detail, Voucher Printout, Journal Voucher Printout, Cash Book, Accounts Ledger, Accounts Receivable / Payable, Pending Bill Receivable Report, Days wise Receivable Ageing, Pending Bill Payable Report, Days wise Payable Ageing, Trial Balance (2 Column), Trial Balance (6 Column), Net Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Sales Tax Invoice, Import Costing, Sales Tax Input Register, Sales Tax Input Summary (Item wise), Sales Tax Input Summary (Party wise), Sales Tax Output Register, Sales Tax Output Summary (Item wise), Sales Tax Output Summary (Party wise), Sales Tax Payment / Refund Register, Sales Tax Challan Calculation, Yearly Sales Tax Summary, Items List, Opening Stock Report, Purchase Report, Purchase Return Report, Sales Report, Sales Return Report, Cash Memo / Invoice, Delivery Challan, Stock Ledger, Stock Report, Gross Profit/Loss, Bill wise Gross P / L
DisplayMinimum Hardware Requirement
Additional Requirement for Network Enabled Applications
sales tax wise sales tax output journal voucher register sales tax input trial balance item wise input summary summary item party wise return report report sales

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