CLC Combined Workbench 2.2
CLC Combined Workbench is an useful program that aggregates all features of CLC Free Workbench, CLC Protein Workbench, and CLC Gene Workbench in one integrated software package.
CLC Combined Workbench is an useful program that aggregates all features of CLC Free Workbench, CLC Protein Workbench, and CLC Gene Workbench in one integrated software package.
CLC Combined Workbench creates a software environment enabling users to make a large number of advanced protein sequence analyses, combined with smooth data management, and excellent graphical viewing and output options.
CLC Combined Workbench features
dna rna rna and and protein dot plot sequence data clc combined analysis and and graphs combined workbench web based view advanced region analyses plot based

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Download CLC Combined Workbench 2.2
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