CCUnits 3.5
CCUnits is a program to convert units of measure common in engineering and science.
CCUnits is a program to convert units of measure common in engineering and science. Also, several physical constants can be consulted. It includes 56 magnitudes and in each magnitude the most frequently used units have been chosen.
Unlike other unit conversion programs, CCUnits doesn't overwhelm the user with hundreds of units and magnitudes, it only provides the most frequently used and important ones.
The use of the program is easy and intuitive. With a few clicks, the user can perform units conversions, and access a list of physical constants. Results can be displayed in normal and scientific formats, and the user can specify the number of decimal places.
CCUnits allows the user to include up to two custom magnitudes or categories with up to ten units in each. The procedure to add a custom magnitude and its units is as easy as converting units.
CCUnits can display up to ten simultaneous conversions for every magnitude. CCUnits includes 56 magnitudes and more than 300 units.
CCUnits can convert units of the following magnitudes: length, area, volume, temperature, pressure, mass, amount of substance, density, energy, power, volumetric flow, mass flow, molar flow, speed, kinematic and dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity, heat transfer coefficient, specific entropy, specific volume, angl-e, time, force, current, charge, voltage, magnetic flux, electric and magnetic field strengths, and others.
CCUnits includes several conversions related to computers such as Color RGB-Hex, Radix (base) and Storage. These conversions can be useful for developers or general users requiring these type of calculations often.
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