Cavaj Java Decompiler 1.11
Cavaj Java Decompiler is a graphical freeware tool which reconstructs java source code from CLASS files.
Cavaj Java Decompiler is a graphical freeware tool which reconstructs java source code from CLASS files. You can decompile java applets, jar and zip files producing accurate java source code. Browse the reconstructed source code with the Class View for instant access to methods and fields.
Cavaj Java Decompiler is Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2/XP compatible. Cavaj Java Decompiler is a standalone Windows application, it doesn't require you to have Java installed.
Cavaj Java decompiler uses Jad as its Java decompiling engine.
There are four ways to view a class file:
1. Start Cavaj. View the class file by clicking the open icon and browse to the
.class file.
2. Start Cavaj. Drag a .class file into the Cavaj application window.
3. Drag a .class file onto the cavaj icon.
4. Double click a .class file.
(Requires .class files to be associated with Cavaj.)
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Download Cavaj Java Decompiler 1.11
Download Cavaj Java Decompiler 1.11
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