Booter Font 1.0
Booter Font comes with 9 single fonts for the true type users who do not want to deal with multiple masters.
Booter Font comes with 9 single fonts for the true type users who do not want to deal with multiple masters. The styles and names of true type weights reflect main multiple instance axis markers in this fashion: One means 1000, Five means 500, and Zero means 0, with the width axis marker always preceding the slant axis marker in the font name.
For instance: Booter One Five is actually BooterMM with the width axis set to 1000 and the slant axis set to 500 (maximum width, halfway slant), and Booter Zero One is BooterMM with the widt
with the slant axis bootermm with axis set the slant axis marker the width width axis true type

Download Booter Font 1.0
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