AdtBookMan 1.1
Simplifying use of electronic books is main idea of this software.
Simplifying use of electronic books is main idea of this software. It is some inconveniently to read electronic books from computer screen with standard programs help. Such programs as “Notepad” or an internet browser are unappropriated for protracted read infinite text. There is better solution.
AdtBookMan will help you to read electronic books without discomfort. How it can help?
AdtBookMan is a program that works on computer with Microsoft Windows operating system and has two parts:
The first part is a reader. The reader, that build-in AdtBookMan, understand files of TXT and HTML formats without much graphics. It places a text of book on the screen as its nearest hard analogue do. Appearance and management of the reader as much as possible conform to a real paper book. The program opens a file completely and quickly. So, you read from computer screen in such way as usually read paper books.
AdtBookMan is a tool that allows you manage ebooks librarys.
If you read books usually (even with another reader), some amount of electronic books will be collected on your computer and it would be quite good to organize it somehow. The second AdtBookMan's part (the second part in order, not in importance) is a book manager that helps you to organize books library by comfortable way. It represents a file links collector that store title, author name, genre, codepage and other parameters of any book in the library.
Also it can automatically show books in order at such criteria as your own. You can create your own themes with any name and put books in it on any criteria “Read first”, for example, or “Send to friends for read”… The real placements of electronic books do not changes. You can include various types of books to the library, not only TXT or HTML. It will be opened with corresponding external program (PDF-Acrobat Reader, DOC-MS Word etc.)
electronic books the library your own you can the second the reader read electronic from computer computer screen you read

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