A2Z Collection Manager 2.4.66
A2Z is a complete computerized log for collectors.
A2Z is a complete computerized log for collectors.
It keeps records about your collections including appraisals, value, contacts, journals, historic data, memos and much more.
Images, graphs and reports can be generated and added to the log.
Create graphs, print out item details and create your own web pages. A2Z Collection Manager can handle all popular image formats and will allow you to link unlimited number of photos to your records.
Our program takes care of the data entry, browsing and export, presentation, and analysis. Impress your friends with excellent documents you created using our software.
It can even be used for creating your own web pages. Once the data is entered, you can use the graph module to answer any question you might have about your collection. A2Z Collection Manager is very easy to use and comes with extensive on-line help.
What's new in this version:
New graph types added. Quick reports implemented.
Functionality disabled after 30 days
the data a2z collection collection manager graph module your own the graph you can about your your friends create your own web your collections web pages

Download A2Z Collection Manager 2.4.66
Download A2Z Collection Manager 2.4.66
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