Total Commander POWER PACK 1.0
IF you have a tool that is NOT listed here please send it to us at webmaster#softnews.
IF you have a tool that is NOT listed here please send it to us at and mention in SUBJECT - Windows Commander Power Pack ! Thank You ! (# = @)
Also many thanks to MaxWish from WWW.WINCMD.TK ;)
We put together all tools that we can find for Windows Commander :D
What you get :
WinCmd Icon Collections - tones of icon libraries (.icl) for Windows Commander
WinCmd Menu's Collections - Contains some optimized Windows Commander Menu Files for changing the layout of the menu-bar
Windows Commander Archive Updates - Archive/Packing Updates for Windows Commander
Windows Commander Tools - lots and lots programs to help you configure and use Windows Commander (Windows Commander FTP Password Ripper analyses your wcx_ftp.ini and gives you a nice list of your stored ftp connections with the login names and passwords, Tweak WC lets you tweak the Windows Commander v5.0 interface by changing the wincmd.ini, WC Expert Options lets you change multiple 'expert' options direct to the wincmd.ini..and many many MORE )
Windows Commander Plugins - Plugins are used to extract, view & make different types of files ( basic support for browsing and extracting from .msi, The bz2 packer can pack a single file with the new highly efficient bz2 format, written by J.R. Seward, allows to view and extract contents of powerpacked files, viewing, unpacking, packing and deleting files within archives in HA format, reading of ISO type CD-ROM images, plugin allows you to browse rpm archives used by RedHat, adds support of Heroes4 file format used by game Heroes of Might & Magic by New World Computing. It allows you to extract files from heroes data files, allows to view windows registery files (.reg) as directories, Allows you to read out contents of information files Microsoft Outlook Express version 5.x/6, support of PAK file format used by games: Quake, Quake 2, Hexen 2 and others. Allows you to extract, delete, add files to/from existing & create new paks, Catalog Maker , Diskdir plugin , ...etc ....)
Windows Commander Multiarc Plugins - The Multiarc plugin can be used to unpack archives using Windows Commander with external programs ( Allows you to view, extract and modify contents of archives that are not currently supported by Windows Commander i.e. JAR, IMP, Installshied, CAB and many more, Allows Multiarc for Windows Commander unpack a Setup made with InstallShield version 3,4,5 and 6, Support for archives types: 777, 7zip, AIN, ARC, ARHANGEL, BIX, BOA, BSA, ERI, IMP, JAR, MoPaQ, RK, RKIVE, SQZ, UFA, UHARC, LZX, DMS, _Z, ZOO., MultiArc addon for Disk-images: [.DDI] [.IMG] [.IMA], MultiArc addon for CD-images: [.BIN] [.VCD], MultiArc addon to view and extract icons from icon libraries: [.ICL] ...etc)
windows commander allows you for windows multiarc addon many more support for view and file format addon for format used and many and extract wincmd ini

Download Total Commander POWER PACK 1.0
Download Total Commander POWER PACK 1.0
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Total Commander POWER PACK 1.0
IF you have a tool that is NOT listed here please send it to us at webmaster#softnews.
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