SomeObject Desktop 0.95
SomeObject is a run-time engine that lets you run and develop little, fast performace applications - fully using hardware accelerated 3D graphics.
SomeObject is a run-time engine that lets you run and develop little, fast performace applications - fully using hardware accelerated 3D graphics.
Applications can be Desktop Widgets, Business Program, Games, Media Tools and Players and much more. The format for these Application is completely open and easy to learn.
Fully hardware accelerated rendering using DirectX 8 or OpenGL. Software rendering using MesaGL. Big and useful objects collection for GUI, Multimedia Application and Games. Skinning for GUI's objects. Power particle effects engine.
Real-time physics simulation and fast collision detection system. Sound and music engine supports WAV/ AIFF/ MP3/ MP2/ MP1/ OGG. Fast and easy to use embedded Java script. Virtual file system to distribute applets
for gui rendering using and easy hardware accelerated

Download SomeObject Desktop 0.95
Download SomeObject Desktop 0.95
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SomeObject Desktop 0.95
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