Just Barkley 1.0
JUST BARKLEY displays Barkley's photos - a beautiful Golden Retriever.
JUST BARKLEY displays Barkley's photos - a beautiful Golden Retriever. Perhaps the most over-photographed dog in North America, Barkley is not camera-shy. You can see Barkely in action from puppyhood, to lake-diving retriever to beach-bumming Golden. Barkley has put on weight in recent years, but we're told he has not lost his good looks.
Contrary to popular opinion, Barkley was not named after Charles Barkley the basketball player - I am not a basketball fan. Rather, he was named after Barkley Sound on Vancouver Island's rugged west coast. Ironically enough, Barkley Sound was named after a Charles Barkley, Captain Charles William Barkley, master of the British trading vessel Imperial Eagle.
You can either download/view individual images by clicking on the hyperlinks to the right, or you can download a self-extracting zip file that contains three selected images from the collection. The self-extracting zip files include 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480 resolutions of each image. If you're not sure how to install a desktop wallpaper, try reading our simple installation instructions.
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