When you hear Virtual desktop manager maybe you think that such a program will make your monitor screen virtually bigger - wider and higher.
When you hear Virtual desktop manager maybe you think that such a program will make your monitor screen virtually bigger - wider and higher.
This is the way most of virtual desktop managers are implemented. goScreen is different. It makes your desktop deeper. That is why I prefer to call it multi-page monitor manager.
Think of your desktop as a sheet of paper. It has one visible surface. Now imagine that there is a number of surfaces, or pages, with only one visible at a time.
All the pages are of the same size - size of your monitor screen and are placed one above other, as opposed to one beside other. That is how goScreen works.
It creates a number of virtual pages on your monitor screen. The only limit is your computer resources. Normally, when a program is started, it is given a button on the Windows taskbar. With goScreen your taskbar gets deeper too.
So, there is still a taskbar entry for each program, but there are many taskbars - one for each virtual page. That is why, when you switch pages, all the taskbar buttons are being changed as well.
your monitor monitor screen all the for each one visible your desktop when you virtual desktop

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