eLinx Standard 1.06.60
eLinx can help you find all your information easy.
eLinx can help you find all your information easy.
Looking for information is common to all applications. Imagine what happens when you have a common search engine for all of your applications functions.
We designed eLinx with a relational database and SQL search engine that is surrounded by application functions. The same search engine serves all applications since it contains the object references that those applications need to function. But, eLinx doesn't end there!
With one button click and a few keystrokes you can find anything that you have stored in the eLinx database for any object. Select an index column in a grid, then for each letter you type, eLinx will filter the database to those entries that match, double click and you can navigate a web site, execute a program, send an e-mail, view a file, open a document, load a plugin, execute a script, or open another database and start the whole process again. In the future you'll be able to phone a friend, view a movie, play a song, chat with a friend, and much more! Actually, you can do some of that in the Object Viewer right now.....
In all cases, the functions use the central search facility as the basis to determine what to work on, the database and its search engine act like a super searchable playlist, where the playlist can be input into any function that we care to define. In fact, we have trouble thinking about where the applications that can be added to the list already there may end!
The Standard version has an integrated File Explorer, Backup Facility, Startup Processor, Multi-tab Browser, Browser Popup Stopper, Quick Link executors, Object Viewer, International Language support, Slide show viewer and more. We also added a multi-threaded file scanner and Database Catalog. When the Professional version is released it will have the ability to add plugin applications without limit such as File Editor, ZIP manager, LAN chat, Keyword generator, File Contents Scanner and more to follow. They can even interface to the new Google Desktop Search Engine
search engine you can database and scanner and where the and more object viewer click and you have the object all applications the database

Download eLinx Standard 1.06.60
Download eLinx Standard 1.06.60
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