EasyClip 2.0
EasyClip is a slim suite of utilities on clipboard enhancement, shell enhancement and computer automation.
EasyClip is a slim suite of utilities on clipboard enhancement, shell enhancement and computer automation.
It includes a multiple clipboard manager which maintains 64 auto-cycling clipboard entries.
Multiple clipboard manager extends the basic windows clipboard and makes you never lose any text that has ever been copied. You can paste text from history clipboards into any applications with just one click.
URL Aliases save you the trouble of typing long URL or clicking into deep folders step by step with mouse. You only need type the alias and EasyClip will automatically navigate to the target URL which can point to local file, command, folder or any web resources.
Quick-run dialog powered by aliases and built-in commands provides the shortcut to major search engines, shell folders and common tasks.
EasyClip is built-on on a slim and always-on-top toolbar which makes its functions easy to access from any applications, either by mouse or hotkey.
EasyClip features
run dialog quick run the alias multiple clipboard clipboard manager search engines major search and built shell folders standard windows down logoff shut down aliases and

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