e text editor 1.1.116 Beta
The e text editor is a fast & elegant notepad replacement for Windows.
The e text editor is a fast & elegant notepad replacement for Windows. It offers advanced features such as tabbed editing and incremental search, as well as some unique features like a powerful visual undo.
Tabbed Editing
With e text editor you will have multible documents open at the same time. The tabs makes it easy to switch between all open documents.
Powerful Visual Undo
In most text editors, undoing more than a few steps back is cumbersome. The powerful visual undo history in e makes backtracking fast and effortless. You can even resume editing and still retain the old branch.
Fast Incremental Search
Search while you type. Fast incremental search makes finding what you are looking for fast and intuitive.
visual undo powerful visual incremental search fast incremental fast and tabbed editing editing and text editor

Download e text editor 1.1.116 Beta
Download e text editor 1.1.116 Beta
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