ChangePaper 2.0
ChangePaper is a program designed to beautify your desktop.
ChangePaper is a program designed to beautify your desktop. There are many different transitions along with music.
It is multimedia and totally customizable, and you can turn off music, hide desktop icon and change transitions. ChangePaper ensures more attractive active desktop.
ChangePaper is the desktop you are searching for! Boring desktop will never exist !
ChangePaper supports Wallpaper, Package, and Media fashions. It provides more than twenty transitions, such as Box in or out, Wipe up or down, Split vertical in or out, Strip left up or down, Random and many more.
You can add wallpapers which you select to a package and then take actions automatically on desktop. Or you can add media files directly. All you need to do is add wallpapers or media files to ChangePaper.
It is easy to use and totally customizable. ChangePaper will make your desktop extraordinary !
ChangePaper allows multi-package and more media collection. There is no limitation in every fashion.
you can package and media files changepaper will add wallpapers can add and totally your desktop totally customizable

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