ABs Wallpaper Tray 1.7.0
ABs Wallpaper Tray is a free software that will manage your desktop wallpapers collection, and will give you a fresh new look for your desktop every time you look at it.
ABs Wallpaper Tray is a free software that will manage your desktop wallpapers collection, and will give you a fresh new look for your desktop every time you look at it.
The program can manage and change your desktop wallpaper in two different ways:
1- At predetermined intervals: like every 5 minutes.
2- On windows startup.
You can add to your desktop a neat analogue clock and calendar, and you can assign hotkeys to perform some common functions of the program.
When starting with windows the program starts in the background placing an icon in the tray allowing you to access the options at anytime by double clicking the tray icon.
Right clicking the tray icon will give you more options including "Switch wallpaper now" which will force the program to switch the wallpaper to the next image in the list and an option to Exit the program.
ABs Wallpaper Tray features
the program your desktop the tray clicking the the list some common common functions assign hotkeys tray icon you can manage your wallpaper tray will give

Download ABs Wallpaper Tray 1.7.0
Download ABs Wallpaper Tray 1.7.0
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