WebSiteZip Packer 1.3
Welcome to WebSiteZip Packer - a powerful and easy-to-use application which will help you to turn a single HTML page or a group of pages into a solid executable file (.
Welcome to WebSiteZip Packer - a powerful and easy-to-use application which will help you to turn a single HTML page or a group of pages into a solid executable file (.exe) with an integrated HTML browser. Ideal for e-books, product catalogs, site demos, manuals, and searchable information distribution.
After using our WebSiteZip Packer you can conveniently transport your HTML page or a complete web site as a single file embodying all necessary components (graphics, sounds, linked pages, etc.) and present it successfully independently of the type of HTML browser installed at the destination computer.
These are possible uses of WebSiteZip Packer:
Use it to produce and distribute e-books;
Use it to let the visitors of your web site download the identical exe-version of the site for offline work;
Use it to create convenient offline presentations and catalogs;
Use it to create guides and manuals for your software products;
Use it for any purpose where you need a solid executable file with an integrated HTML browser instead of piles of separate files and folders which are usual attributes of HTML pages.
websitezip packer html browser web site integrated html executable file html page solid executable

Download WebSiteZip Packer 1.3
Download WebSiteZip Packer 1.3
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