secure backups free software

Search results for tag «secure backups»:

DionOnlineBackup 2.3.3. DionOnlineBackup 2.3.3.
… � last 7 backups Weekly backups - last 4 backups Monthly backups - last 12 backups Annual backups - last 5 backups Limitations The demo backup version for a maximum of 500 Mb space on our server, is for 30 days.… 

Win Backup Software 1.7.5 Win Backup Software 1.7.5
… tailed logs of all backup operations and more. Win Backup Software also features one of the most intuitive user interfaces you have ever seen, making even the most advanced features easily accessible to beginners and professionals alike.… 

DataSafe PS Net 3.0 DataSafe PS Net 3.0
… how important it is to make backups. And that's what DataSafe PS .Net is all about. It makes backups, backups, and more backups. So you can sleep and work easier knowing your important data is safe and sound in a secure location. Limitations 3… 

Secura Backup Home Edition 3.06 Secura Backup Home Edition 3.06
… ds. With Secura Backup it is now possible to securely send your most sensitive data to remote computers over the internet. Limitations 30 day trial Nag screen… 

Backup Machine V1.1.52 Backup Machine V1.1.52
…  folders and files, You can even run backups simultaneously and automatically lock the file to disk so It cannot be removed. You have complete flexibility in running backups you can Pause , Restart them and much more.. Limitations 7 day trial… 

Titan Backup 1.0.5 Titan Backup 1.0.5
…  Built-in easy-to-use task scheduler Email notifications regarding the backup task Detailed logs of all backup operations Limitations… 

BackForth Backup 1.5 BackForth Backup 1.5
… 't let you down - your backups are there 24/7, safe and sound. BackForth Backup features Keep track of your backups and know exactly when these were created and what they contain. Export your backups to a .zip file. Limitations 15 days trial… 

Secura Backup 2.43 Secura Backup 2.43
… ups. File Sets including Outlook Mail, Favorites, and Palm data. Limitations 30 day trial Nag Screen… 

BackupMate 2.0.4 BackupMate 2.0.4
… 've backup to its original location or anywhere on your computer or LAN. It can also notify you via email whether the back up job was successful or whether there were errors. BackupMate is simple to use yet powerful enough for most users.… 

ProtectMyPhotos 4.0 ProtectMyPhotos 4.0
… es, viruses, file corruption, destroyed backups, fire, flood, theft, and more. Eliminate the need for CD backups, and rest easy knowing that all of your treasured photos are truly safe! Requirements 64 MB of RAM memory free registration required… 
