Printer Park 1.0
Printer Park will provide you with detailed information about print jobs for printers in your organization or your local printer 24/7/365, that can help you optimize printing, save expenses, etc.
Printer Park will provide you with detailed information about print jobs for printers in your organization or your local printer 24/7/365, that can help you optimize printing, save expenses, etc.
Printer Park uses a very precise method of calculating the exact number of printed pages and copies. You can get all information about a print job, such as print date/time, printer name, user name, computer name, document, page size, quality, color and duplex mode and so on. Print jobs data can be exported into MS-Excel or HTML format for the next analysis and reporting.
The next print job attributes are supported:
name computer user name computer name name document the next duplex mode name user printer name print jobs information about print job print date time printer

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