Plaxoft Time Tracker 1.0
Plaxoft Time Tracker keeps track of how you spend your workday.
Plaxoft Time Tracker keeps track of how you spend your workday. The major focus is the association of time to activities. A few days after first running Plaxoft Time Tracker, you'll get valuable information on how you spend your workday.
Plaxoft Time Tracker pops up regularly and waits for you to explain the last hour of work. You simply book that time to an activity and continue working. This way you get reliable data on the fly, without having to sit down at the end of the day / week / month and try to remember what you have done and how much time it has taken.
The integrated reporting tools allow a comfortable analysis of the tracked data. You can immediately see which projects and activities are eating up how much time. With the Time Tracker worksheet you can display and edit your data at any time, correcting mistakes you might have made or adding data that has not been tracked because you have not been at your PC at the time.
The list of activities and projects is fully customizable to your needs. You can break down any project into as many activities as you like. Individual icons for special activities simplify working. Plaxoft Time Tracker is currently available in German and English language. By supporting Unicode and many different calendars it is ideal for international use.
You can run Plaxoft Time Tracker under any localized Windows version. The full power of international functionality can be used beginning with Microsoft Windows 2000. International functionality might be restricted on older versions of Windows. When calculating your required times and actual times, Plaxoft Time Tracker takes holidays into account as well. Even individual agreements or regional specialities can be taken into account. Ready made lists of holidays for import are available at our website.
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