MsiXray is created to complement the Industry Standard Packaging tools and provide a more functional packaging and software integration environment for PCs.
MsiXray is created to complement the Industry Standard Packaging tools and provide a more functional packaging and software integration environment for PCs.
MsiXray only requires the installation of 5 Standard MS OCXs , so it is ideally suited to being used to compare the environment defined in individual MSIs, with what is actually installed on the PC, detecting the conflicts between Applications causing the differences.
MsiXray can encapsulate SysInternal's FileMon and RegMon to provide a comprehensive but simple to use monitoring system, which can identify the files and registry entries referenced in individual runs and compare the logs of two runs, identify the differences, which caused one to work, while the other failed.
MsiXray provides an enhanced MSI editor optimised to edit existing MSIs, generate MSTs, manipulate the CAB Files, and resolve ICE33 errors. Other tools list and delete HKUR registry entries, check DLL registration entries and expand Start Menu entries.
registry entries files and identify the the differences compare the

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