Long Filename Finder 1.1
Long Filename Finder is ana pplication that finds and shortens filenames that are too long to be backed up to CD-R (or CD-RW).
Long Filename Finder is ana pplication that finds and shortens filenames that are too long to be backed up to CD-R (or CD-RW).
Many CD-R mastering programs limit the length of the filenames that can be stored on the CD-R. In some cases, this length is as short as 62 characters.
Your files can easily have names that exceed the limit, especially for multimedia files such as MP3 that contain artist, album, title, track number information.
Before backing up to CD-R, you must rename all your files so that none of the filenames exceed the limit.
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Download Long Filename Finder 1.1
Download Long Filename Finder 1.1
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