II_WorkProjectPro 2.51
Keep track of how much time you spend doing different working projects.
Keep track of how much time you spend doing different working projects. Makes it easy to bill your working power to other companies or use it internally. Build your own hierarchical project/account tree.
Easily start logging project time using the build-in elapsed timer. Select a project account and punch it on a chosen task. Supports multiple users, projects, accounts.
II_WorkProjectPro is a tool that helps you track and record project time.
Minimum time record increments are down to a second. For working groups. Billing and cost rating.
Export reports to other applications. Direct printout of reports. Windows taskbar integration. The program comes with a complete setup, uninstall feature and online-help.
Here are some key features of "IIWorkProjectPro":
tags project account project time multiple users users projects supports multiple elapsed timer time using using the the build projects accounts minimum time other applications windows taskbar
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