fairy tales free software

Search results for tag «fairy tales»:

Coloring book 8: Fairy tales 4.22.92 Coloring book 8: Fairy tales 4.22.92
… e Three Little Pigs, The Tortoise and the Hare, The Twelve Dancing Princesses, The Ugly Duckling, Thumbelina, and Tom Thumb. Limitations The share… 

Tales Animator 2.0 Tales Animator 2.0
…  Tales Animator is absolutely free. No adware, spyware, banners etc. Enjoy the cartoons development!… 

Sticker Book 4: Fairy Tales 1.02.92 Sticker Book 4: Fairy Tales 1.02.92
… … 

3D Shamrock Fairy 1.0 3D Shamrock Fairy 1.0
… eart on St Patricks Day. Want a soothing nightime scene? Just set the time of day to nighttime and a dark shadowy blue hue is cast on everything. Prefer a dusky sunset scene? The sunset setting produces a deep orange hue. Limitations 7 days… 

Free Fairy Screensaver 1.0 Free Fairy Screensaver 1.0
… tale is near-just feel it! Free Fairy Screensaver features Beautiful high-quality images Will you try how the fairy mushroom tastes? Requirements Pentium II or higher 16 Mb Video Memory OpenGL-compatible video card Windows 95/98/ME/2/XP… 

Three Windmills - Animated Desktop Wallpaper 5.07 Three Windmills - Animated Desktop Wallpaper 5.07
… ad. Stately and unshakably mills from a white stone stand up to this day. Among the woods and fields they will stand against a wind from year to year; millstones of mills will turn, milling grains in flour. The stood giants from children's fairy tales, mighty and firm as the ground on whic… 

Three Windmills - Animated Desktop Screensaver 3.11 Three Windmills - Animated Desktop Screensaver 3.11
… ad. Stately and unshakably mills from a white stone stand up to this day . Among the woods and fields they will stand against a wind from year to year; millstones of mills will turn, milling grains in a flour. The stood giants from children's fairy tales, mighty and firm as the ground on whic… 

Fairy Tale Kids Screensaver 1.0 Fairy Tale Kids Screensaver 1.0
… This Fun Kids Screensaver has beautiful pictures of famous fairy tale characters like Frosty the Snowman, The Three Little Pigs, and the Gingerbread Man. Purchase before September 30th, 2004 and get 12 free animal puzzles! Ages 3-9.… 

Aloaha Fairy 1.0 Aloaha Fairy 1.0
… boot your machines via Network. All you need is Fairy, a PXE enabled Network Card, a TFTP, a FTP and a DHCP Server in your network. Requirements Managed PCs require only a PXE enabled NIC. A TFTP, FTP and DHCP Server must exist in your network.… 

In Fairyland 1.0 In Fairyland 1.0
… world. Every fan of fairies will love In Fairyland Screensaver. This screensaver is designed for LCD screens of 1024x768 pixels or greater, but it will also run fine on 800x600 screens. Requirements 1024x768 screen resolution, minimum 16 bit color… 
