exponential smoothing free software

Search results for tag «exponential smoothing»:

Keyster Search Engine Rankings 1.0 Keyster Search Engine Rankings 1.0
… as spending more than $10K per month on profitable pay-per-click traffic. That client now receives approx. $40K per month in free advertising value from their numerous top positions in Google, MSN, and Yahoo as a result of KEYSTER technology.… 

MemorySurfer 1.0 MemorySurfer 1.0
…  the time passed since last repetition is used to estimate how well this association could be reminded. Accordingly the association is repeated sooner or later.The program always queries the association, which at this time is most likly forgotten.… 

Multi Line Calculator 1.0 Multi Line Calculator 1.0
… Multi Line Calculator is a calculator that could handle variables, exponential numbers, save/load routine.… 

DIGITAL GEM Airbrush Professional Plug-In 2.0.0 DIGITAL GEM Airbrush Professional Plug-In 2.0.0
… jects by reducing the distracting imperfections and smoothing unflattering highlights/shadows. Whether the subjects are older with wrinkles, teens with blemishes, or toddlers with already perfect skin, this plug-in will make them look their best.… 

ESBCalc Pro - Scientific Calculator 8.1.0 ESBCalc Pro - Scientific Calculator 8.1.0
… Interface. Registered version also includes Electronic Documentation and PDF designed to produce Printed Documentation. Register only once for the life of the product. Also available as part of the ESBCalc Pro Suite which includes ESBUnitConv Pro.… 

Fast Statistics 2.0.3 Fast Statistics 2.0.3
…  ANOVA, Interaction plot, Main effect plot Regression: Multiple linear regression, Dummy-variable regression, Non-linear regression Nonparametrics : Friedman, Kruskal-Wallis Goodness of Fit Time Series: Trend analysis, Moving average, Single exponential smoothing, Double exponential smoothin… 

A3nalogGauge 1.0.0 A3nalogGauge 1.0.0
… of smoothing. Accordingly: without smoothing, smoothing with cells of 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 pixels; OnOverMax: TNotifyEvent - this event is fired if the value reached the maximum of normal range; OnOverMin: TNotifyEvent - the same for a minimum;… 

Rt-Plot Rt-Plot
… ph fully customizable secondary axis at top and right twisted, log, exponential axis scaling all distances colors styles can be varied report fully customizable built in word processor including graph and results. Limitations 30 days trial.… 

JBatch It! 6.83 JBatch It! 6.83
… es. - Batch Add Drop Shadow for Images - Batch Rename Files as an integrated or independent feature in the Image Processing function. - Drag and Drop Filename from the Window Explorer and other source. - Load and Save Batch Processing Profile… 

Evonergy Ezy Retouch 1.1.9 Evonergy Ezy Retouch 1.1.9
… ection Rotation & Flip image Resize image Crop image Filters Effects Adjust Color Depth Set as Desktop Background Support popular file format Printing support Threshold Image Clipboard Functions Limitations Watermark on im… 
