eBook Library 6.1.0
If a long string is discovered in the parsing process, it is handled immediately without having to restart assembling rows.
If a long string is discovered in the parsing process, it is handled immediately without having to restart assembling rows. This change results in a much faster preparation of texts with long string problems.
eBook Library supports speed reading plus an eBookshelf. You can practice your speed reading skills using plain text eBook files with speeds between 50 wpm and 1500 wpm. Reading speed is set using four ranges (very slow, slow, medium, and fast) and a slider is provided to adjust the speed within each range. Speed settings are saved between sessions. Any plain text file may be used but eBook text files can be downloaded free from the internet.
User should read and then remove text before and after the book text (text with URL addresses, for example, are long strings without spaces). To begin, select your text source by clicking on the "Choose New Source" button. Parsing (removal of unnecessary tabs, carriage returns and linefeeds) begins automatically and the reader is kept informed on its progress. Long strings are handled automatically by inserting a space in the string.
The line number of the line being displayed is shown together with the total number of lines in the source text file. You can pause and continue at any time. If you do not finish reading a text file, the eBook Library will remember the last line read and provide this information when you relaunch to continue reading. In that case, you would click on the "Use Last Source" button to load text saved during the previous session after parsing. You may start reading at the beginning or at any line.
You may select automatic or manual scrolling. When you first launch eBook Library, a folder titled "eBookshelf" is added to your Documents folder. The eBook menu includes a menu pick to help you find free eBooks on the internet, a menu pick to load a file from your eBookshelf and another menu pick to let you save a parsed text file to your eBookshelf. An eBook loaded from your eBookshelf appears in the display almost immediately. A Help window is available.
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Download eBook Library 6.1.0
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