Easy Book 3.1
Easy Book will convert plain Text or RTF files into multimedia Electronic Books (E-Books).
Easy Book will convert plain Text or RTF files into multimedia Electronic Books (E-Books).
Your E-Book can contain a single Chapter or you can have an unlimited number of Chapters. There is no limit on the individual Chapter size and you can customize how each Chapter is displayed.
Multimedia HyperText Links can be added to your Chapters allowing you to present to your readers:
Your completed E-Book has a Table of Contents which allows each file to be selected, browsed and, if you permit it, printed. You can design the program colors and presentation, and add an Opening Screen, an Introduction, an About Box, a Help System and a Closing Screen as well as your own Icon.
The Electronic Books which you create can be freely distributed, without fees or royalties.
you can graphic with electronic books

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