Compare It! 3.0
New version of Compare It! makes your file compare and file merge tasks even easier!
With multitude of new features you can quickly visually identify differences between files, merge them with single click, and print/publish your work without any problems!
How it can help you?
Text files comparison: Compare It! displays 2 files side-by-side, with colored differences sections to simplify analyzing.
New version of Compare It! makes your file compare and file merge tasks even easier!
With multitude of new features you can quickly visually identify differences between files, merge them with single click, and print/publish your work without any problems!
How it can help you?
Text files comparison: Compare It! displays 2 files side-by-side, with colored differences sections to simplify analyzing. Overview bar will show overall changes picture.
Still using Windiff? It was a good tool 10 years ago, now it's time to try Compare It! - you will be surprised by new level of speed and usability! And yes, we support Unicode files! Check also our Windiff comparison article!
Need to merge changed files? With Compare It! you can move changes between files with single mouse click or keystroke, and of course you have ability to edit files directly in comparison window.
What about printed report? Compare It! can make colored printout of differences report, exactly as it's on the screen.
XML file comparison? It's not a problem any more! Compare It! supports regular expressions, so you could easily strip XML tags from file to compare XML with XML or XML with text!
Using multiple platforms? While running on all MS Windows variants, Compare It! can compare/merge/save text files from DOS, Windows, Unix, Mac systems.
Want to publish your changes report? Now Compare It! can create HTML report of your comparison results.
Never lose important data! Compare It! supports auto-backup folder with old file versions, so you could always revert your file after inaccurate merging.
Using SourceSafe? Now you can have their comparison tool as standalone utility! Compare It! combines best features from both SS and Windiff along with familiar interface. Compare It! can be programmer's best friend !
Working with registry files? Compare It! can compare 10Mg registry exports within seconds. With Unicode support you can compare Win2/XP registry files.
Here are some key features of "Compare It":
you can now you your file can compare text files registry files moved sections can find xml with files with between files with single publish your

Download Compare It! 3.0
Purchase: Buy Compare It! 3.0
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