COMMUNICATE! STANDARD v10.0 converts your PC into an intelligent message centre so you can manage your voice and fax messages from anywhere in the world! COMMUNICATE! answers your calls with your own pre-recorded message or standard greeting.
You can customize your voice mail system to hold an unlimited number of password-protected mailboxes; calls are answered and routed to the appropriate mailboxes. COMMUNICATE! delivers all the benefits of PC faxing allowing you to create, receive, and forward clear spotless faxes, and includes broadcast fax capabilities. COMMUNICATE! brings to your office a variety of resources that were previously only available to large corporations.
COMMUNICATE! STANDARD v10.0 uses your existing phone line and requires a voice/fax modem to receive both voice and fax calls. It will automatically detect the type of call and handle it accordingly.
COMMUNICATE! STANDARD v10.0 eliminates the need for a fax machine and answering machine and is simple to use. You can save money and space by eliminating unnecessary equipment and their associated operating costs.
COMMUNICATE! STANDARD v10.0 is simple to use and is designed to be plug and play. Just point and click to access your faxes, voicemail and e-mail.
COMMUNICATE! STANDARD v10.0 also includes contact management features and remote access capabilities for managing your messages when you are away from the office.
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Download COMMUNICATE! STANDARD 10.0.887a
Download COMMUNICATE! STANDARD 10.0.887a
Purchase: Buy COMMUNICATE! STANDARD 10.0.887a
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