Code Counter Pro 1.32
Project Manager's tool to count lines of code (SLOC,LOC) in source or text files for use in reports, function point estimation through backfiring, and general software metrics.
Project Manager's tool to count lines of code (SLOC,LOC) in source or text files for use in reports, function point estimation through backfiring, and general software metrics. Able to count C,C++, Java, Delphi/Pascal, COBOL, VB, PHP, ASP, XML, FORTRAN, and many others.
Code Counter Pro is a tool that allows you count text file lines.
Includes total counts for comments, blanks and source lines - sortable and exportable to CSV, HTML, XML and other spreadsheets such as MS Excel. Also allows you to create your own file types and comment styles in case your source language isn't included yet
Other supporting features include automatic recursive search for files and option for saving count profiles to save time in specifying configurations, printing and print preview features and a skinned modern look. Also great as a tool for the backfiring process to create approximate function points in old and new projects.
Can count up to 50 files only in unregistered version
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Download Code Counter Pro 1.32
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