Clipboard Help+Spell 2.46.01
Database stores history of all past text clipboard entries for easy viewing, modification and search.
Database stores history of all past text clipboard entries for easy viewing, modification and search. Use Clipboard Help+Spell for keeping hierarchical notes - sort, search, filter by text, last view date, modification date.
Super easy and super fast search function - or use complex filters if you need them - you'll never have a problem finding a note again! Organize your notes and clips any way you want - show them all or view by group or category; view your clips any way you like.
High-quality spellcheck - underlined mistakes; learning spellchecker. Configurable hotkeys for common functions. Powerful text formatting options - make your own presets for common functions. Simple functions for copying and pasting into and out of other applications.
common functions for common way you any way clips any

Download Clipboard Help+Spell 2.46.01
Download Clipboard Help+Spell 2.46.01
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Database stores history of all past text clipboard entries for easy viewing, modification and search.
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