BarbusLab MobiDB 2.1.1
The BarbusLab MobiDB is designed to create applications for mobile devices.
The BarbusLab MobiDB is designed to create applications for mobile devices. It allows easily converting your data into a MIDlet (an application for mobile phone).
To create such applications (midlets) you will not require knowledge of programming languages. Just enter the necessary information into the database of the program and BarbusLab MobiDB will create ready to use application for your java-enabled phone.
The MobiDB has a special query language to select and structure the data.
The MIDlets generated by MobiDB compatible with J2ME MIDP1 standard. So, they are compatible with every mobile phone with java support. These MIDlets supports graphic images, have custom menu system, have search feature.
BarbusLab MobiDB supports data import from external files of CSV format. So, you can easily use data from software that supports this format (for example Microsoft Excel).
The program supports software emulators of mobile devices. It allows testing a generated midlet without loading it into a device.
The program ideally suits for creation of every possible catalogues, reference books, booklets, tables, lists, sets of information notes.
barbuslab mobidb the program compatible with mobile phone application for for mobile mobile devices

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