Axialis Pro Screen Saver Producer 3.64
Axialis Professional Screen Saver Producer is a strong program to create and compile redistributable Windows screen savers.
Axialis Professional Screen Saver Producer is a strong program to create and compile redistributable Windows screen savers. You can create all kind of screen savers based Sprites (animated objects), Flash, Slideshows and Video Movies.
It has a fully integrated workspace that permits you to work efficiently and create professional screen savers in minutes. It compiles and produces Windows XP/98/ME/NT4/2 SCR compatible files with Control Panel preview. You can customize the screensaver About dialog box.
Produced screen savers are compatibles with all video configurations (screen size and color depth). It includes a WYSIWYG editor, an Ergonomic Integrated Suite of Tools, A Built-in Librarian and many other features.
Create professional installation packages: The corporate edition permits to create installable packages of your screensavers. This is the best method to distribute your screensavers. The resulting installation is very professional and permit the end-user to easily install the screensaver. any options are available to customize the installer (logo, icon, license agreement, command switches...).
Sell your screensavers by creating Limited/Trial versions: More and more authors actually sell their screensavers. It's very easy using Internet. The product permits you to create demo/limited screensavers. It's very easy because it's just an option of the compilation prosess. You can limit the trial period or the number of objects displayed.
The screensaver is unlockable. If the user is interested by the trial version, he purchases a code to unlock it. You can generate unlock codes using a powerful built-in feature.
Create multi-language screensavers: The built-in compiler permits you to choose the language of the installation procedure as well as the screensaver dialog. Eight languages are available: English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese and Italian.
P/AMD 350+, Windows, 128MB
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