Aspose.Spell 1.8
Aspose.Spell is a .Net multilingual spell checking component. With it, you can: Check spelling in more than 20 languages, including Afrikaans(ZA), Catalan(ES), Danish(DK), Dutch(NL), English(AU), English(NZ), English(US), English(UK), Faroese(FO), French(FR), Galician(ES), Germany(DE), Greek(GR), Irish(IE), Italian(IT), Latin(LA), Norwegian(NO), Polish(PL), Portuguese(PT), Russian(RU), Spanish(ES) and Swedish(SE).Build affix dictionaries by youself and then use them together with main dictionaries or independently. Create custom dictionaries by your users and then store custom dictionaries either in flat text files or databases from any .Net data provider, such as Microsoft Access, SQL Server, etc.Customize your own Web spell checker in minutes from fully-featured demos both in C# and Visual Basic .Net, integrated with HtmlTextArea from Microsoft .Net Framework, Html TextBox from and RichTextBox from your own Windows spell checker in minutes from fully-featured demos both in C# and Visual Basic .Net, integrated with RichTextBox from Microsoft .Net Framework.The last version Made Spell and other classes serializable.
microsoft net from microsoft integrated with net integrated basic net net framework richtextbox from http www from http visual basic and visual spell checker your own

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