are computed free software

Search results for tag «are computed»:

Paprotka ScreenSaver 1.0 Paprotka ScreenSaver 1.0
… n real time. Because they use current screen resolution, the higher your current resolution is, the better fractals will look (but they will require more CPU power for drawing them).… 

Retirement Workbook - Basic Retirement Workbook - Basic
… contribution. Two computational tiers are available. Data is presented through monthly report sheets and a summary sheet. Ten to fifty employees can be displayed in the report sheets. Repeated data is entered through the Setup sheet. The matches are computed using a percentage of the employee co… 

UniScope 2.0 UniScope 2.0
… UniScope 2.0 version engine intercepts and reads 16 bit signals only, but all processing is 32 bit float. FFT is computed from 32 up to >1048576 samples (with 0 or 50% Hanning window).… 

PatchMaker 1.0 PatchMaker 1.0
… mfortable user interface that enables complete visual control over the tracking process. For instance, you can visually organize the tracking in stages, or preview current results immediately during computation, or change the patch on the fly.… 

Popims Animator 1.00 Popims Animator 1.00
… ice, that you can use all your life with thousands of different animations. Another advantage is that Popims Animator produces animations as video files and animated gifs that you can send to your friends by email. Limitations You cannot save.… 

… duce a set with seven Helmert transformation parameters valid for an specific area, with which then arbitrary points of the area can be transformed from one coordinate system into another with high accuracy. The Helmert transformation parameters are computed with a set of individual identical po… 

CSV Converter 1.1 CSV Converter 1.1
… ify their names. The maximum field sizes are computed so you know how to create your table. Limitations 7 days trial… 

TrendCatch AI 4.9 TrendCatch AI 4.9
…  should lead to a change in position. TrendCatch follows and monitors more than 600 stocks and financial futures and computes Sell and Buy recommendation for S&P 500 E-mini Futures. Users have information about the current resistance lines that are computed using our proprietary algorithms.… 

Jmol 10.00 Jmol 10.00
…  chemical information. Jmol's features include reading a variety of file types and output from quantum chemistry programs, and animation of multi-frame files and computed normal modes from quantum programs Requirements Java Runtime Environment… 

FurySync FurySync
… ould not synchonize with these actions will be automatically computed by the program. Thus, synchronizing a subtitle won't last more than the length of the video. This can be checked as FurySync also shows how much time you spent on the subtitle.… 
