9Cal 2.0
9Cal is created to imitate real life traditional calculator.
9Cal is created to imitate real life traditional calculator. Let you feel like you are using a traditional one. You can choose to use mouse or keyboard as you are pleased. We want you to get and feel everything the same as you do without computer. Plus, you get more features such as new skins, sound effect, and paper tape.
Paper Tape
All calculation data is kept on paper tape with various colors. Blue is for normal numbers, Red is for negative results, and Green is for positive results. They can be saved into file, printed, and cleared.
Skin Changing
Traditional calculator comes with different sizes, colors, and button styles. The same thing can be expected from 9Cal. If you like, you can also choose new sound effect. More skins will be added regularly. You can check on our web site or choose to get news about new skin and upgrade when purchasing 9Cal
paper tape you can like you sound effect the same traditional calculator you are

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