1-abc.net Personal Diary 1.0
1-abc.net Personal Diary is the perfect solution for those who want to write their thoughts.
1-abc.net Personal Diary - in times when many people like to publish their thoughts and ideas in so-called web blogs that can be read by everyone, no-one seems to care about the normal meaning of diaries and the words and stories that are written in it. The general sense of diaries is to keep all these things private. Maybe the author wants to make it available to an external reader from time to time, but most of the time the content is not meant to be seen by anyone.
1-abc.net Personal Diary was designed especially for this need! This fast and easy-to-use product allows you to write down your thoughts every day to a password-secured file that is saved with a special encryption engine so that definitely no-one but you can open and change it without the knowledge of your password and without your permission.
Besides many useful functions like a very easy navigation, export functions for a single day or the whole diary, date and day of the week auto detection or the absolutely unique 1-abc.net encryption engine it is a very nice feature that this program can be installed on USB sticks, floppy disks and nearly all other re-writable media too.
This function allows you to edit and add new entries to your personal diary on every computer in the world - even without the program installed on it.
Write down what happens on a journey, write down how your business is developing each day or write down all your private thoughts and feelings about your family, your friends, your love or your life! 1-abc.net Personal Diary brings the real idea of a diary how it was meant for centuries and millenniums back to the IT age.
Here are some key features of "1 abc net Personal Diary":
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Download 1-abc.net Personal Diary 1.0
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